This is a smaller, 26″ wingspan version of the Twin Boom Pusher, it’s 34″ counterpart. It weighs in at 217 grams with the compliment shown along gear used producing 685 grams of max thrust. This is an easy format to build and a sporty, capable but also can be gentle back yard flyer.

The materials are balsa, thin ply, with supporting 3d printed ASA filament hardware that go along with. The covering is included in clear Doculam which can be tinted or painted, it’s similar to working with Monocoat with the weight value of Ultracoat Parklite. The electronics are the same used with the Extra 250 outside of in this case, using another brand and gauge of servo’s which are 3 gram versions, any in that weight to the Extra’s 4 gram can be used.

$60.00, delivered, full kit and covering.

The build guide is here:

$60.00, delivered, full kit and covering.